Chris Evans. Writers: Bong Joon Ho. South Korea. The nations release the substance CW-7 with the intention of controlling global warning, but accidentally it results in another Ice Age destroying Earth. The only survivors live in the train Snowpiercer which is driven by a perpetual motion engine created by the millionaire Wilford (Ed Harris) that lives in the engine part. In 2031, after seventeen years, there is a fight of classes inside the train since the oppressed lower class lives in dreadful conditions in the last wagons of the train while the elite lives in the front wagons. The lower class is fed with protein bars only; they are oppressed and punished by Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton) and her brutal guards; and their children are taken every now and then when they reach a certain height. The leaders Gilliam (Sir John Hurt), Curtis Everett (Chris Evans), and Edgar (Jamie Bell) are plotting a scheme to reach the engine and talk to Wilford about their conditions using the addicted security engineer Namgoong Minsoo (Song Kang-ho) and his clairvoyant daughter Yona (Ko Asung) that are imprisoned to open the locked doors. When the son of Tanya (Octavia Spencer), Tim (Marcanthonee Reis), is captured by Mason, they decide to execute their plan. There are many casualties and soon Curtis discovers that they have been manipulated by Wilford to balance the resources in the train, and why the magnate keeps the lower class alive. User Ratings: 7,7 of 10 Star. runtime: 2 Hour, 6 Minute
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I loved this movie! It was really really sweet - didnt expect that from a vampiremovie😄.
Don't get me wrong, the acting is solid, the action is there and i loved it, but there are too many scenes, which got me thinking: Why and How, especially Why!
Sadly most, if not all, of these questioned scenes couldn't deliver an answer to Why.
I saw someone commenting, that this movie rides on the hunger games train, but differently to snowpiercer, hunger games answered at least the background questions to why something is happening.
The How in dystopian films is of course vague, but again, there are scenes, which cannot be unseen. As good as the movie in general might be, i'm personally disappointed by scientific inaccuracies and here it destroyed my initially positive view.
And you couldn't ever convince me, that the end depicts, what the film was all about. My final thought was: What a fine trash movie.
This director seems like to make alien ancient monsters, just like MUTO. 1) Chris Evans 2) Train 3) And takes place in a cold climate All we need is Bucky and it'll be one of the scenes from Captain America Also why do i feel like this movie is gonna do what it took the Hunger Games 4 movies to do. I haven't watched this movie in a while, but I remember my initial reaction being that it was a horrible movie with an incredibly deep narrative. Absolutely hate the movie, but I find it very interesting at the same time.
The Ancient One vs Steve Rogers. 🤔
This trailer would've been way better if they cut out all the part about the girl being recruited and trained, just presented as 4 guys that work as a serial killer pack, but something goes wrong with this one girl. That's it. They shouldnt even show why something goes wrong. Just hint that it does. That gives you enough to know what's it's about, but leaves room to the imagination, thus making you more interested. Lets not forget this is a movie and not a history lesson. Really liked the concept, it's a metaphor for the way the human world is structured, It should wake us up a bit to the inequalities and injustices of human madness. If the guy could find a way to close the door tho, they might have more left standing.
Is this anyway related to james bond 007.
It was a long time since i seen a great movie like this.
I thought the polar bear meant that earth had warmed up enough for animals to thrive, meaning they could thrive too. But after hearing your explanation I do think that the intention of the polar bear was a threat to their existence.
The nations release the substance CW-7 with the intention of controlling the global warming, but accidentally it results in another Ice Age destroying Earth. The only survivors live in the train Snowpiercer which is driven by a perpetual motion engine created by the millionaire Wilford (Ed Harris) that lives in the engine part. In 2031, after seventeen years, there is a class conflict inside the train since the oppressed lower class lives in dreadful conditions in the last wagons of the train while the elite lives in the front wagons. The lower class is fed with protein bars only; they are oppressed and punished by Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton) and her brutal guards; and their children are taken every now and then when they reach a certain height. The leaders Gilliam (John Hurt) Curtis Everett (Chris Evans) and Edgar (Jamie Bell) are plotting a scheme to reach the engine and talk to Wilford about their conditions using the addicted security engineer Namgoong Minsoo (Song Kang Ho) and his clairvoyant daughter Yona (Ko Asung) that are imprisoned to open the locked doors. When the son of Tanya (Octavia Spencer) Timmy, is captured by Mason, they decide to execute their plan. There are many casualties and soon Curtis discovers that they have been manipulated by Wilford to balance the resources in the train, and why the magnate keeps the lower class alive.
"Snowpiercer" is a flawed film but with original concept. Why the guards that keep the lower class under control do not have bullets is not explained based on the shootout in the end. Why the old people are kept alive in the lower classes is also not explained since their utility for the system is only to breed. But the concern with the global warming has been in the news along the week and is indeed a major concern of the civilized nations. Class warfare does exist in most of the societies and films about dystopia are always interesting. My vote is seven
Title (Brazil. Expresso do Amanhã. Express of Tomorrow.
This movie was awesome. It was cool, original, and dark as shit. It really went for the surreal fantasy elements and it worked. That being said, it is weird and has plenty of plot holes. But all movies have them, a movie is good when it makes you forget them when you watch it. Now thats some term work. This looks like the best film ever looks so good OMG can't wait until this is out. I thought that was scarlet Johansen in the thumbnail. The wost part is that it actually sounds like a good idea for a film, but they just ruined it all. This makes me love snowpiercer even more.
Amazing analysis. I honestly think this is one of the best films i've ever watched. Was I the only one who thought at the end: they have to make babies together when he's older. I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE RIGHT. Dude, You forgot to mention that Chris Evans' character, Curtis, was the only person from the back of the train to see that the PROTEIN BARS were made from cockroaches. The indigent passengers at the back of Wilford's Train were starving and resulted to CANNIBALISM. So Wilford supplied them with so called PROTEIN BARS. Curtis almost ate another baby until the Leader from the back of the train amputated a limb to give to Curtis to spare the baby's life. The Engineer addicted to KRONOL explained to Curtis that the thaw is coming.
Just saw it for the first time. Totally bonkers. Loved every second of it.
Lol what with the fish scene? Supposely trying to coat their axes with poison.
Very symbolic of what's coming our way on or around xmas new years week Calm b4 the storm pisces is almost over.
Great film! Love u Chris Evans <3. Before he pierced winter, he pierced snow. Captain America 1.5. Masterpiece. Hello, I am colour blind, at the part at 30 seconds in I can make out MARV. Is that right.